In general, our refund policy is to refund you 100% of what you paid for your missed classes or tutoring sessions. If you decide to cancel your registration, for whatever reason, you are also refunded 100% for your remaining classes or tutoring sessions.
1. How do I make a payment? only accepts payment through PayPal. So to make a payment, you must have a PayPal account. After your registration, you will see a paypal link, click that link will take you to PayPal's web site where you can make your payment. Once you have made your payment, PayPal will send us a confirmation, and our system will automatically reduce your outstanding balance.
2. Can I make a payment by credit card or personal check? only accepts payment through PayPal. We do not accept credit cards or personal checks. So to make a payment, you must have a PayPal account. After your registration, you will see a paypal link, click that link will take you to PayPal's web site where you can make your payment. Once you have made your payment, PayPal will send us a confirmation, and our system will automatically reduce your outstanding balance.
3. I was charged before my child attended any classes, or used any of your tutoring services.
For both our enrichment classes and tutoring sessions, you need to register in advance. Your registration will not be considered final until you have made your payment through PayPal. Once we have got the PayPal confirmation, your registration will be considered final and we will then send you the information you need to attend the class or tutoring sessions. So you always pay "in advance" before your child can attend any class or use any of our tutoring services.
4. I just paid via PayPal for a class. Then I decide to cancel my registration before the class starts. What should I do?
You can cancel your registration any time you want. If you cancel your registration before the class starts or before you have used any tutoring services, we will reimburse you fully via PayPal.
To cancel a registration, send an email to
5. My child cannot attend a class session. Can we get our money back for that session?
If your child has missed any class session for any reason, you will be refunded 100% for what you paid for the missed class session. You can also cancel your class registration any time you want, before or after your child has attended any class sessions. And once you cancel your registration, all money you paid for the remaining class sessions will be fully refunded back to you.
If your child cannot attend a group class, we will send you the Zoom recording of the class, but we cannot reimburse you for your missed group class.
6. My child cannot attend a tutoring session. Can we get our money back for that session?
If you child cannot attend a one-on-one tutoring session, you can send an email to And we will coordinate with the tutor to schedule another time for your child.
If your child cannot attend a group class, we will send you the Zoom recording of the class, but we cannot reimburse you for your missed group class.
You can also cancel your registration after any number of your tutoring sessions. And we will reimburse you 100% for the tutoring sessions that you have not used. To cancel a registration, send an email to
7. I have outstanding payments, how do I pay them?
Once you login to, navigate to Programs, and find your registered program. Click the "Details" link, and select the payment options suitable for you. A PayPal link will then be displayed, which will take you to the PayPal web site to make the payment.
8. I cannot attend a virtual classroom session due to technical difficulties. Can I get my money back?
Yes. Our refund policy is to refund 100% what you paid for the missed class or tutoring session for whatever reason. For group classes, we will send you the Zoom recording of the class, but we cannot reimburse you for your missed group classes if the technical issues come from your computer or your part of the network connection.