Live online human and AI tutoring services
Our Teachers & Tutors

Homesweet Learning TeachersA great teacher makes all the difference in sparking true learning. With Homesweet Learning tutors, you can feel good your child is getting the best in educational methods from those who love to teach.

Our teachers are much more than tutors. They're motivators, mentors, and confidence builders. They know how to challenge and inspire children, turning frustration into confidence, B's into A's, and strugglers into achievers.

A tutor's subject matter expertise is important, but it's just the beginning. We know how to create a personal connection between a child and a lesson. We seek out individuals who understand local curriculum and can link the lessons taught at Sylvan to what's being taught in school, ensuring your child is making progress.

Our team of teachers and tutors include certified teachers, college professors, graduate students and professionals with Masters Degrees, Ph.D.'s and Ivy League credentials. All of our teachers and tutors underwent an extensive screening, certification and background-check process before they are hired and assigned to help your child.

If you are interested in teaching or tutoring at, please click here to sign up.

Class Discussion

AI Tutor Ms. K
Our AI Tutor Ms. K is specially-trained on many of our academic subjects and is specially-trained to help young students complete their school work with additional academic activities in English, math, sciences, etc. Students can open online sessions with AI tutor Ms. K at any time. In these sessions, Ms. K will lead discussions on different academic activities, guiding students to solve the problems and reach correct answers. There are quiz sessions as well. At the end of each quiz, Ms. K will evaluate the student's performance in a score report, and patiently help students with any questions they may have for the quiz.