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Scratch for Kids

Scratch for Kids introduces Students to the amazing world of computer programming using fun and easy-to-use multimedia mobile (iPhone and iPad) software. Students will not only create mobile games and animations, they’ll work on their problem-solving skills, designing projects and communicating ideas using stackable blocks of code. Previous programming experience is not required. If campers would like us to download their games to an iOS device, it must be officially supported and updated with the latest software version.

Scratch for Kids is a unique virtual camping experience for your kid: instead of getting onLine playing games, your kid now gets online learning how to create games!

Scratch for Kids is suitable for kids 10-15 years old. It runs 2 hours a day for 5 days. We have openings for all the weeks in the summer (July and August).

Pricing$25.0 per session, or $219.0 for 10 sessions (a discount of more than 10%).

You can enroll in Scratch for Kids by clicking the registration link here. All sessions are offered through our real-time virtual classroom. All you need is a PC or tablet, and a high-speed Internet access.

To enroll in the  Scratch for Kids program, follow this link: