Practice English analogy questions to improve your vocabulary skills.
More...Practice English sentence completion questions to improve your grammar and vocabulary skills.
More...SSAT reading practice and SSAT test prep for middle school students. More...
SSAT essay practice and SSAT test prep for middle school students. More...
SAT test prep and SAT practice questions for middle school and high school students. More...
SAT essay practice and SAT test prep for middle and high school students. More...
With the dawn of the Internet, the birth of Internet slang, and the growing use of SMS, many of us are starting to forget the fundamental aspects of English punctuation. Would you like to write a great paper for one of your classes or submit a polished, impeccably-written proposal to your boss? If so, proper punctuation usage is a must. Consider the following rules to get started! More...
If you want to be understood, and if you want your ideas to spread, you need to use effective language. In the modern world of business and politics, imprecise language is used intentionally to avoid taking a position and offending various demographics. No wonder it’s hard to make sense of anything!
This is hardly a recent problem, and George Orwell, a famous English writer, wrote in his 1946 essay, Politics and the English Language, that there are 5 rules for effective writing: More...
When should you use who, and when should you use whom?
These days, it is becoming rare to see whom, because most of us use who in almost all cases. In fact, whom can sound rather pretentious and stuffy, For example:
To whom am I speaking?
Whom am I speaking to?
These sound very formal. Many of us would be more inclined to write or say:
Who am I speaking to?
Nonetheless, there are still a few stock phrases that use whom, even in contemporary English. For example:
To whom it may concern
In almost all other cases, it has become acceptable in contemporary English usage to use who.
English reading, writing, language arts practice questions for primary school students.