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Grade 9 and 10 Math

Grade 9 & 10 math tutorials for SAT, Math Kangaroo, and AMC10 Preparation.


Last modified on 2016-01-12

Grade 9 & 10 math tutorial on quadratic equations & parabolas for SAT, Math Kangaroo, and AMC10 Preparation.  More...

5292 views 2192


Last modified on 2016-03-28

Grade 9 & 10 math tutorial on exponents for SAT, Math Kangaroo, and AMC10 Preparation.  More...

7861 views 6761

3-D Figures

Last modified on 2016-03-09

Grade 9 & 10 math tutorial on 3-D figures for SAT, Math Kangaroo, and AMC10 Preparation.  More...

13377 views 2869


Last modified on 2016-03-28

Polynomial comes from poly- (meaning "many") and -nomial (in this case meaning "term"). Polynomial refers to "many terms" exoressions.  More...

2860 views 2410