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Number Sense, Numeration & Measurement

Quantity Relationships

Read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10 000, decimal numbers to tenths, and simple fractions.

Solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of single- and multi-digit whole numbers.

Represent, compare, and order decimal numbers to tenths and using standard decimal notation.

Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to tenths and money amounts.

Round four-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

Represent, compare and order fractions (i.e., halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, tenths) and using standard decimal notation .


Count forward by halves, thirds, fourths, and tenths to beyond one whole.

Count forward by tenths from any decimal number expressed to one decimal place.

Operational Sense 

Add and subtract two-digit numbers.

Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of four-digit numbers.

Add and subtract decimal numbers to tenths.

Multiply to 9 x 9 and divide to 81 ÷ 9.

Solve problems involving the multiplication of one-digit whole numbers.

Multiply whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1000, and divide whole numbers by 10 and 100.

Multiply two-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers.

Divide two-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers.

Length & Distance

Estimate, measure, and record length, height, and distance, using standard units (i.e., millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre).

Draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths in millimetres or centimetres.


Estimate and determine elapsed time, with and without using a time line, given the durations of events expressed in five-minute intervals, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.


Estimate, read and record positive temperatures to the nearest degree Celsius.

Perimeter & Area

Estimate, measure, and record the perimeter and area of polygons.


Estimate, measure, and record the mass of objects, using the standard units of the kilogram and the gram.


Estimate, measure, and record the capacity of containers using the standard units of the litre and the millilitre.


Estimate, measure using concrete materials, and record volume, and relate volume to the space taken up by an object.