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Math Kangaroo Grades 5 6
We have compiled a list of links to download publicly available Math Kangaroo past test papers from different countries. We encourage you to do the questions in these past test papers as one of the ways to improve your problem solving skills in general and your math skills in particular. Please note that Homesweet Learning and its educational services and products are not affiliated with or endorsed by the web sites hosting these Math Kangaroo past test papers.

If your child needs tutoring help, or if you want your child to join our "MathJump! Like a Kangaroo 2021 Intensive Test Prep (Levels 5-6)" program to study competitive math in a systematic and structured way led by our experienced teachers, please click here for a trial session: ENROLL

For tutorials on some key concepts and techniques that are commonly used in solving competitive math levels 5-6 problems, click here.