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Elementary School Paragraph

Students will learn the parts of a paragraph as well as how to put them together to make a perfect paragraph. Learning to write different types of paragraphs and learning to write in chronological order, students will come away ready to start learning about essays.

Lesson 1 – The Topic Sentence

Students review writing sentences and learn how to write a topic sentence.

Lesson 2 – Supporting Details

Students learn how to write supporting details in a paragraph.

Lesson 3 – Closing Sentences

Students write closing sentences this week and edit existing closing sentences to learn how to strengthen them.

Lesson 4 – Simple and Compound Sentences

Students are able to write sentences in a variety of formats in order to make their writing more interesting.

Lesson 5 – Go with the Flow (Transitions)

Students use transition words to make their sentences flow together.

Lesson 6 – Awesome, Amazing, Alluring Adjectives

Students use descriptive words in their writing.

Lesson 7 – Writing the Descriptive Paragraph

Students, incorporating the previous lessons in the current instructions, will become adept at creating descriptive paragraphs.

Lesson 8 – Writing the Narrative Paragraph

Students will create a well-written narrative paragraph.

Question 1

 Write a journal entry

1.       Write the date

2.       Write about who was there and what did they say

3.       write about what happened

4.       write about what you're feeling

Question 2

Extend the following sentence into a paragraph:

I had a sleepover party this weekend.

Question 3

You have won a free trip to Hawaii. You may take one person with you. Whom do you choose and why?

Question 4

A friend from far away is coming to visit you for the first time. What place in particular do you want your friend to see during the visit?

Question 5

A special machine lets you travel back in time. Describe what you witness firsthand some time in the past.

Question 6

You are moving on to another place or a new experience. How does this move affect you?

Question 7

A natural disaster has struck your community. What are the results?

Question 8

Write about a scene

1.       Setting:

2.       Character:

3.       Actions or events:

Question 9

 Solve a problem

1.       What was the problem?

2.       How did you solve the problem?

3.       what did you learn from solving the problem?

Question 10

Write To Persuade

1.       Write about what you are going to sell.

2.       Write about your target market: who will buy it?

3.       Write 2 reasons why someone should buy it.

Question 11

Write a complete story using story map.

1.       Setting:

2.       Characters:

3.       Problem:

4.       Solution:

Question 12

Write a friendly letter

1.       Today's date

2.       Greeting

3.       Body

4.       Closing

5.       Your name

Question 13

Create a new comic strip on the following character. Add details such as clothing, speech or thought balloons, background, and props, as needed. Sometimes it's a good idea to make a rough sketch of the strip first. Make sure you give your new comic strip a title.

Question 14

Create a new comic strip on the following character. Add details such as clothing, speech or thought balloons, background, and props, as needed. Sometimes it's a good idea to make a rough sketch of the strip first. Make sure you give your new comic strip a title.

Question 15

Create a new comic strip on the following character. Add details such as clothing, speech or thought balloons, background, and props, as needed. Sometimes it's a good idea to make a rough sketch of the strip first. Make sure you give your new comic strip a title.

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