This eight-week course focuses on the fundamental unit of essays and reports: the paragraph. Students will learn the parts of the paragraph (topic, supporting, and concluding sentences) and the types of paragraphs (narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive).
Week 1 – The Beginning – What Makes a Paragraph?
Students will understand what makes up a paragraph and will write their own topic sentences.
Week 2 – The Middle – Supporting Sentences in Your Paragraph
Students will continue to write topic sentences and will create supporting sentences for those topic sentences.
Week 3 – The End – Concluding Sentences
Students will be writing concluding sentences that reflect the topic and provide a sense of closure for the reader.
Week 4 – The Narrative Paragraph
Students will write a personal narrative paragraph.
Week 5 – The Descriptive Paragraph
Students will write a descriptive paragraph using all of their senses to include exciting verbs, colorful adjectives, and vivid adverbs.
Week 6 – The Expository Paragraph
Students will write an expository paragraph in the third person perspective (he, she, it, they, their), including the topic sentence, supporting detail sentences, and a closing sentence.
Week 7 – The Persuasive Paragraph
Students will be able to write persuasively using solid persuasive strategies.
Week 8 – It’s a Party!
Students will write a specific kind of paragraph of their choosing and share it with classmates.