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Elementary School Sentence

Students will learn to write and revise their own complete sentences, with descriptive details. Gaining knowledge on the four sentence types as well subject-verb agreement, students will write sentences correctly, and with confidence.

Lesson 1 – Types of Sentences: Declarative and Interrogative

Objective: The student will be able to identify and create declarative and interrogative sentences.

Lesson 2 – Types of sentences : Imperative and Exclamatory

Objective: The student will be identifying and creating imperative and exclamatory sentences.

Lesson 3 – Noun Plurals and Possessives

Objective: The student will be able to create the plural forms and possessive forms of nouns.

Lesson 4 – Subject – Verb Agreement

Objective: The student will make verbs agree with their subjects in number.

Lesson 5 – Punctuation: Commas

Objective: The student will understand the rules for and use correct comma placement.

Lesson 6 – It + is = It’s a lot of fun learning about contractions!

Objective: The student will understand and use the rules for forming contractions (shortened forms of two words).

Lesson 7 – Oh Dear! Words Often Confused: Homophones, Homonyms, and more

Objective: The student will be able to correctly identify and spell words that are often confused with other words.

Lesson 8 – Put Your Thinking Caps On! What Have You Learned?

Objective: The student will create and proofread sentences using all of the skills you studied in this eight-unit course.

Question 1

Write 2 sentences to tell what the cat is doing.





The cat is holding the egg. The cat wearing a purple shirt and a blue pants. The cat is running on a running course.
KellyS  2016-10-07 21:19:17

Question 2

Look at the picture. Write action words to complete the sentence about the picture.

A yellow duck

Question 3

Look at the picture. Write action words to complete the sentence about the picture.

A duck in red shirt

Question 4

Rewrite the sentence to add more details.
Alan went to a field trip.

Question 5

Rewrite the sentence to add more details.
Alan saw some animals.

Question 6

Rewrite the sentence to add more details.
The baby animals are cute.

Question 7

Rewrite the sentence to add more details.
Alan and his friends had a picnic in the park.

Question 8

Write 3 sentences about the picture with different describing words.

Question 9

Write a describing sentence to describe the character.

Question 10

Write a describing sentence to describe the character.

Question 11

Write a describing sentence to describe the character.

Question 12

Write 2 sentences to tell what the bear is doing.




Question 13

Write a describing sentence to describe the character.

Question 14

Write a describing sentence to describe the character.


Question 15

My favorite animal is _______________ because _______________

Question 16

My favorite food is _______________ because _______________

Question 17

I love my home because _______________

Question 18

My favorite place to go on vacation is _______________ because _______________

Question 19

If I could travel anywhere in the world I would go to _______________ because _______________

Question 20

My favorite sport is _______________ because _______________

Question 21

My favorite song is _______________ because _______________

Question 22

My favorite Thanksgiving food is _______________ because _______________

Question 23

Rewrite the sentence to tell more about the characters.

Alan has a toy.

Question 24

I feel really silly when _______________

Question 25

I get really scared when _______________


Question 26

Rewrite the sentence to tell more about the characters.

The cat catches a bird.

Question 27

Rewrite the sentence to tell more about the characters.

The mouse has tail.

Question 28

Rewrite the sentence to tell more about the characters.

Andy like to play.

Question 29

Rewrite the sentence to tell more about the characters.

Dad collects games.

Question 30

Look at the picture. Write action words to complete the sentence about the picture.

A mother duck and her kids

Question 31

Look at the picture. Write action words to complete the sentence about the picture.

A green head duck

Answer Keys